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Andrea Garello


Co-founder of Lexéns, admitted to the Supreme Court Bar , he has been practicing in Milan since 1987.

He has always dealt exclusively with criminal law, especially in the field of economics and business, both in judicial defence and in consulting and formation.

He has developed particular expertise in tax and bankruptcy crimes, commercial and financial fraud, computer crimes, health & safety and real estate violations, money- laundering crimes.

In particular, he has assisted numerous individuals and companies, both domestic and foreign, in proceedings with charges for tax fraud, corporate tax inversion, tax avoidance, transfer pricing, and other tax-related offenses.

He has assisted directors of companies, bankruptcy trustee in proceedings with charges for bankruptcy, even of considerable size.

He has also assisted a variety of private individuals, as well as employees, managers and/or directors of public entities, charged for health and safety violations.

He has assisted numerous companies charged for offenses committed both towards private individuals and the public administration.

He collaborates with others professionals who are experts in different fields with whom he has created a network of synergies and contacts. He advises in criminal issues of tax law and corporate compliance matters.

He is co-author of the following volumes: “L'udienza preliminare” (tr. The preliminary hearing, Milan, 1999), “Crisi aziendale e fallimento” (tr. Corporate crisis and bankruptcy, Milan, 1997), “Il concordato preventivo e le altre procedure concorsuali” (“Composition with creditors and other bankruptcy proceedings, Milan, 1998), “Le indagini difensive” (tr. Defence investigation, Milan 2001) and Le responsabilità degli avvocati (tr. Lawyers’ liabilities, Milan, 2003, 2006).

He is also author of several contributions on tax crimes, health and safety violations, corporate criminal liability and others in Ventiquattrore avvocato journal.

He frequently participates as a speaker on the same topics in seminars and specialization masters on behalf of, among others, Just legal Services, IPSOA, Euroconference.

Foreign languages: English.

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